50 for 50: An Inside Look at Our Field Offices and Partners
One of our favorite parts of Opportunity International Insight Trips is visiting Opportunity's offices and outposts. It is always eye-opening to see where our global colleagues spend their days and where they meet, serve, and train clients.
We have all changed how we work over the past year—and most of us have changed the physical location where we work, too! So we're taking a look back at some of our past visits to Opportunity's field offices and partners, and counting down the days until we're able to visit again!
Missing Insight Trips? Make sure you check out our Virtual Insight Trip to Colombia that we hosted on Sunday!
So many of Opportunity's offices throughout history have been tucked into busy commercial districts, making it easy for clients to access their accounts as they conduct their daily business.

Others serve villages and more rural communities.

And still others serve such rural areas that a brick-and-mortar building was never the best option. Our partners and staff have always been flexible and creative—meeting with clients in churches, community centers, and homes and using tents and shipping crates to create make-shift offices.

For a period of time, before mobile technology was widespread, Opportunity International operated Mobile Banks so that the most rural communities could still access their accounts.

We loved getting a look inside to see staff members hard at work…

...connecting with the community...

...and serving clients!
Each week for the next 50 weeks, we will share a piece of Opportunity's history—major or minor, sobering or inspiring. We have gotten to where we are today by facing some of the world's greatest challenges, with you by our side. Please join us in celebrating the many significant moments that have built the foundation on which we will embark on our most audacious vision yet: ending extreme poverty.