YAO Launches San Diego Chapter
Young Ambassadors for Opportunity (YAO) launched its San Diego chapter kick-off event this past Friday, March 26, at the Caster home. Core members Anne Edwardson, Chris Tharp, Elise Caster and Troy Finnigan organized the event, which was attended by about 20 young adults. After mingling and munching on appetizers and cocktails, guests heard about the mission of YAO and Opportunity. Special guests included Opportunity VP Char Caldwell, Opportunity Uganda loan officer Frida Mungoma, and Rod Dammeyer, member of Opportunity’s Board of Directors and Board of Governors. The next San Diego YAO event will be the Coronado Bay Bridge run on May 16. YAO members will be seeking sponsors and then donating the proceeds to Opportunity’s initiative to build a bank that serves Tanzanians living in poverty.
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