“I feel proud that, because of me, others get the same opportunities”
Renju Haridas / Renju works with one of Opportunity’s local partners in India, bringing digital financial services to 150 women each day in communities near Thrissur, India. She connects so well with clients because she used to be one!
A Message from our CEO
Open a newspaper, or more likely the news app on your smartphone, and it becomes quite apparent. Our world is filled with suffering and despair: wars, refugees, floods, famines, and children dying from preventable diseases. What I see—and experience—every day is just the opposite: personal incomes rising, women working in trades and marketplaces, children learning in schools, and families receiving basic health services.
Our vision is a world in which all people have the opportunity to achieve a life free from poverty, with dignity and purpose.
By providing financial solutions and training, we empower people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children’s futures, and their communities.
We respond to Jesus Christ’s call to love and serve the poor. We seek to emulate the Good Samaritan, whose compassion crossed ethnic groups and religions.
2017 Global Outreach
*With your support, we empowered millions of* farmers, educators, and small business owners around the world with the financial tools and training that is helping them work their way out of poverty for good.
Our corporate, government, and institutional partners are driving sustainable change for millions of people around the world by empowering them to work their way out of poverty.
Our generous supporters contribute their philanthropic talents and treasures to Opportunity to help further the organization's mission and give people everywhere the chance to lives their lives with dignity and purpose.
U.S. Board of Directors
Opportunity’s U.S. Board of Directors use their unparalleled passion and experience to guide the organization and ensure we achieve our mission, while striving for our vision, while staying true to our motivation.
Opportunity International raises funds from many sources and uses them to provide loans, training, and support services to our clients so they can build sustainable livelihoods. With these funds, we achieved significant growth in client impact across our global network in 2017.