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© 2024 Opportunity Internationala 501(c)3 nonprofit. EIN: 540907624.


Education Quality (EduQuality) helps school proprietors and teachers improve the quality of education at their schools.

EduQuality is a holistic three-year school development program that is derived from the "Self-Improving School System" model. This model uses a bottom-up approach to empower local educators to self-organize into a peer network for mutual collaboration and learning.

EduQuality training and support is delivered by our regional  Education Specialists, who work with educators in low- and middle-income countries as they strengthen the quality of their affordable private schools through improved infrastructure and a better environment for teaching and learning.


Noreen, Teacher, Uganda
Noreen, Teacher, Uganda

School Clusters

The majority of affordable private schools are run by sole proprietors that operate without the benefits of a "school system" or network of peers for mutual collaboration and learning.

To address this gap, Opportunity International invites school borrowers to participate in School Clusters—small networks of local, affordable private schools that work as a group to share common challenges, generate solutions, and develop best practices. Each cluster is supported by an in-country Education Specialist that provides additional training and support.

This method is the leading approach to school improvement globally and has proven to be highly successful at connecting an otherwise fragmented sector of independently operated affordable private schools.

Bright Community School, Uganda
Bright Community School, Uganda

Pathways to Excellence

Pathways to Excellence (P2E) is a guide for school leaders to diagnose the quality of education at their schools using 18 measurable indicators. Using this self-assessment, school leaders are able to work with stakeholders in their school community to create a development plan to improve upon their identified areas of greatest need.

Designed by international education experts to help provide holistic school improvement, P2E covers topics including: school culture, school environment, teaching and learning resources, pedagogy, teacher professional development, teacher retention, school management, child-centered learning, early childhood education, behavior management, and child protection.

Based on the results of their self-assessment, leaders are encouraged to target two to five areas for improvement each year, using action points and support resources outlined in P2E. Ultimately, EduQuality works to help school leaders continue building their strategic planning skills for school improvement, institutionalizing an iterative improvement process that can be sustained beyond the three-year program.

Saint Terressa Secondary School, Uganda
Saint Terressa Secondary School, Uganda

Professional Development

In addition to School Clusters and P2E, Opportunity also offers EduQuality Professional Development to partner schools.

School Leadership Professional Development (SLPD)

Affordable private schools are established by entrepreneurs with a variety of education backgrounds—from business to teaching. Because of these varied backgrounds, school owners often note that they do not have all of the skills they need to be successful proprietors. As part of the EduQuality program, senior school leaders are offered professional development training with a focus on instructional leadership and management best practices.

The EduQuality team offers two-day SPLD workshops several times per year, covering topics that are most relevant to school leaders, including business and financial management, school marketing, teacher retention, and child protection. This training helps school owners improve their schools, both as businesses and places of learning.

Teacher Mentor Training

Teachers in affordable private schools often have a wide range of educational backgrounds, and many have had limited access to formalized teacher training or ongoing professional development. EduQuality is implementing a training-of-trainers model to identify and equip teacher-mentors to lead their peers through professional development sessions, classroom observations and feedback, and ongoing coaching methods. The team uses a data-driven approach, combining in-person coaching and digital content to help teachers work toward a set of recognized professional standards, build their confidence, and develop their careers.

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