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News Blog

Live from the Smithonian Institution: One Hen Awarded Best Book for Young Children

by Ruth-Anne Renaud

The Outreach Council of the African Studies Association annually salutes the authors and illustrators of outstanding books about Africa published or distributed in the United States for young children and older readers.  Today, Katie Smith Milway’s One Hen: How One Loan Made a Big Difference is commended for the life lessons it instills in youth, teaching them that one small act can have a profound impact.  I can’t think of a better venue for this youth-driven ceremony than the Smithsonian…

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Live from International Reading Association: One Hen sparks conversation among Educators

by Ruth-Anne Renaud

After a great morning with the students at Sidwell Friends School, I had the pleasure of joining Katie at the International Reading Association for an engaging panel discussion on Friday afternoon.  The evolution of One Hen and its transformation from text to technology has spawned a stimulating conversation amongst a panel of educators and their ongoing involvement with One Hen’s curriculum in the classroom. One Hen’s interactive website, (, has been widely acclaimed…

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Teaching Children the Power of Microfinance: Sidwell Friend’s School in Washington D.C.

by Ruth-Anne Renaud

The 6th graders at Sidwell Friend’s School in Washington D.C. eagerly welcomed Katie Smith Milway this morning, author of children’s book, One Hen: How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference, a story that teaches children the power of microfinance to transform lives. This occasion marks the beginning of multiple events in D.C. this weekend as Katie prepares to receive the award for Best Book for Young Children on Saturday at the Children’s Africana Book Awards Ceremony. Thanks to Kids Can…

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Opportunity CEO Advocates Bottom-up Approach to Economic Development

by Cynthia Greenwood

In a speech on Thursday October 29th to the Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations, Opportunity CEO Kadita “A.T.” Tshibaka cited many things he learned while working in emerging markets at Citibank and Lloyds TSB Group for over 35 years.  One is that a bottom-up approach to economic development is generally the most effective. Kadita said, “We cannot only rely on national initiatives or macro-economic policies to foster the sort of growth and stability that these markets so desperately need.…

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Live: Roger Thurow Insists There is "Enough."

by Sonja Egeland Kelly

Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman’s compelling book Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty tells the story of the world’s food. It raises the question of supply and demand, which is easy to understand even if you were not an economics major. There is enough food to feed everyone in the world. There are enough people to ensure that food gets produced and distributed. Then why are there people living with nothing? Thurow’s intent is to outrage, and to inspire. His goal is…

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Live From The Opportunity International Board of Governors Conference Fall 2009

by Sonja Egeland Kelly

It’s about encouragement. It’s about inspiration. It’s about coming together on behalf of those living in chronic poverty. The Opportunity International Board of Governors Conference brings Opportunity supporters from all over the country to one location for one common purpose: to serve the poor. They hear stories from the field, learn about new trends in microfinance, and discover how to share their own stories in such a way that they honor Opportunity’s incredible clients worldwide. This…

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Live: CEO Kadita "A.T." Tshibaka Kicks off the Board of Governors Conference

by Sonja Egeland Kelly

I have always admired Opportunity International CEO Kadita “A.T.” Tshibaka. He has a way of coming into a room and making everyone feel special. And blessed. And happy. And empowered. He is able to connect with everyone–from a client in the field to a banking executive. Today is no exception. “A.T.” (as he is warmly called by his colleagues, friends, and family) expressed deep gratitude for the involvement of Opportunity’s supporters, and opened the Board of Governor’s Conference…

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Daniel Taylor: Tell Me A Story

by Eliza Griffith

Hi! Let me tell you a story. Doesn’t your body, your soul just lean in a bit when you hear that? Oh please, tell me! Human beings live in stories. Today, Opportunity International’s Board of Governors begins its fall conference – Share her story, Change your world. Daniel Taylor, a professor of literature and writing at Bethel University in Minnesota and a supporter of Opportunity for over 20 years, kicked off the conference. “Stories,” he said, “are the way we make sense of the world.…

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Heartbreaking Effects of Typhoon Ketsana on our Clients & Staff in the Philippines

by Rob Moll

The capital city of the Philippines, Manila, has been devastated by typhoon Ketsana during this past week. The storm dumped as much rain on the city as fell on New Orleans during the Katrina hurricane in 2005. One month’s worth of rain fell on the city in the space of just 12 hours on Saturday, Sept. 26. Opportunity received this update from one of our Philippine partners. \"Eighty percent of the Manila metropolis and nearby provinces were severely devastated. Hundreds of our clients lost homes,…

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“There is nothing micro about the human spirit.”

by Susy Cheston

This was a quote from the speech Maria Otero gave at her swearing-in ceremony as Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs yesterday. Maria spent over 20 years working in microfinance, and had been serving as CEO of ACCION International when she was tapped for public service. Maria made this comment in the course of sharing what she had learned from microfinance that she would take with her into her new role. In introducing Maria, Secretary of State Clinton declared that “There…

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