Issue no. 3 - 2014 Governor Community Connection
Summertime Sunset Cruise Brings Chicago Governors Together
On June 23, Governor Christopher Lueking hosted a sunset cruise on Lake Michigan for 45 Governors and friends of Opportunity. Chris's 83-foot yacht is called the Good Times, and true to its name, the boat was the site of a relaxing - and inspiring - evening.
The theme of this special event was, "Building a Family Legacy Through Philanthropy," and Chris Lueking's own family legacy of support to Opportunity reflects that goal. While living in Slovakia, his father Dean served informally as Opportunity's "pastor at large" in Eastern Europe and Russia. Dean and Bev Lueking have been longtime supporters of Opportunity, and Chris has been a Governor for the past three years.
Attendees met at the Chicago Yacht Club, where Governor Liesel Pritzker Simmons gave a thoughtful presentation on multi-generation philanthropy. Liesel, a Chicago native, founded YAO (Young Ambassadors for Opportunity) in 2008. She's also the co-founder and principal of Blue Haven Initiative, which focuses on how a family can impact the world by investing different types of capital and communicating that inspiring story to others.
In her opening remarks, Vicki Escarra called Liesel, "a shining example of how America's young generation is using its financial and networking smarts to change the world."
Once on board the Good Times, attendees continued conversations about giving across multiple generations, as they enjoyed views of the Chicago skyline and the shores of Lake Michigan.
Governor David Dillon attended the event with his wife, and he commented, "Michele and I very much enjoyed meeting a number of long-time Opportunity supporters and hearing Vicki explain what the current areas of focus are for Opportunity. We were impressed by Liesel Pritzker Simmons' thoughtful presentation on her journey to a better understanding of impact investing opportunities and strategy."