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Meet Rachael Schubarth

By Opportunity International

This fall, we are celebrating education by highlighting incredible students and teachers around the world - including our friends right here at home. This week, I chatted with Rachael Schubarth, a college senior at St. Norbert College in De Pere, WI. Rachael runs an Opportunity Campus Ambassadors chapter at her school - and she rocks! 

Hi Rachael! Please introduce yourself. Who are you, what do you do and what do you like to do in your spare time?

My name is Rachael Schubarth, I am a senior at St. Norbert College in De Pere, WI. I am studying Business, Finance, and Spanish. I love the idea of social business and would love to do some kind of work in that field after school. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, watching the Brewers and Packers, and hanging out with my friends.

What made you interested in Opportunity? Why did you decide to get involved? 

I really wanted to find something that combined business and social justice, two things I love. Opportunity was the perfect fit. I think microfinance is such a sustainable solution to poverty, and I love that it empowers those that it serves. Another thing that really draws me to Opportunity is that the majority of the loans go to women. This is so important because these women use their income to take care of their family, and it creates a ripple effect of change and empowerment.

What is one big dream you have for the future and how do you think your education will help you get there? 

One day I really want to work in microfinance, especially out in the field. I have traveled in South America and I would love to help out with a program there. Without my education, I never would have learned about microfinance and its opportunities.

Why do you think education matters?

I think education is power. I  admire students who have to fight for their education around the world, because in the U.S. I think we sometimes take it for granted. Education is especially important for the poor, because a good education is the first step of pulling themselves out of poverty.

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