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Meet David Gardner

By Opportunity International

David Gardner is a software entrepreneur and early stage investor to new entrepreneurs. This month, as we celebrate entrepreneurship, we asked entrepreneurs to share their insights with us. 

David, tell us a little bit about yourself. 

After spending nearly thirty years starting software companies, I have now become an early stage investor and advisor to first time entrepreneurs. 

What has been one of the most challenging elements of starting your own business?

Funding is always difficult. 

And what has been one of the most rewarding elements?

Exiting a venture is fun, and so is handing out some big checks to your employees who helped you get there. 

Are there particular moments or stories that stand out for you?

I remember big wins and big mistakes. Mostly, I remember the people. 

Do you have a motto or piece of advice that has shaped your decision-making?

I captured all of my best advice in a book called The StartUp Hats. 

What was the moment you knew someone believed in you and you could see your future changing?

After not doing well on a venture once, and losing my lead investors' money, they decided to fund my next venture anyway. This was very humbling and made me determined to make them money the second time around. 

Why do you think entrepreneurship is important?

It releases a creative energy, efficiency and passion that is almost impossible to tap in otherways. 

Why do you think philanthropy is important?

Winning is about so much more than the total dollar figure in your bank account. 

Why are you involved with Opportunity International?

I believe it is the most sustainable and effective of all the charity models I studied...and a good return on my investment. 

What is one big dream you have for the future?

I would like to see Opportunity expand operations on a much larger scale. 


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