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What We’re Reading: 3 Writers Featured at our Fall Conference

By Opportunity International

Every Wednesday, we highlight an article, book or a blog in our “What We’re Reading” series. We feature works that are noteworthy, inspiring, educational or relevant to the work we do at Opportunity. We welcome your comments in the comment field below–tell us what you’re reading, or respond to the piece we’ve highlighted. The following post highlights three authors who will be featured at our 2010 Fall Microfinance Conference this Friday and Saturday, Oct. 8-9.

1. Roger Thurow

The author of http://www.opportunity.org/roger-thurow-enough/Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty[/intlink] will be featured in our very first plenary session of the conference on Friday, October 8 at 8:30-10:00 a.m. ET. He’ll also speak on a panel at thehttp://www.opportunity.org/opportunity-international-conference/breakout-sessions/breakout session[/intlink], “Poverty in an Age of Plenty,” on Friday. http://www.opportunity.org/opportunity-international-conference/register-for-the-live-stream/Register[/intlink] to watch the live video stream of the plenary session at ourhttp://www.opportunity.org/opportunity-international-conference/conference page[/intlink].

2. Sheryl WuDunn

The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and co-author of http://www.opportunity.org/blog/sheryl-wudunn-to-speak-at-opportunitys-fall-microfinance-conference-in-washington-d-c/Half the Sky: Turning Oppression in Opportunity Worldwide[/intlink] will speak at our second plenary session on Friday, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ET. http://www.opportunity.org/opportunity-international-conference/register-for-the-live-stream/Register here to watch the live stream of the session.[/intlink]

3. Knight Kiplinger

The respected economic journalist and business forecaster is editor-in-chief of The Kiplinger Letter, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine and KiplingerForecasts.com will speak at our third plenary session, Friday night, 7:45-9:15 p.m. ET. Watch the live stream of the session.

In addition to our streaming live videos, watch our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for reminders and updates on session schedules. Plus, http://www.opportunity.org/blog-signup/subscribe[/intlink] to the blog for our complete coverage of other speakers, sessions and photos from the conference.

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