Crop Insurance: Protecting Farmers Against the Effects of Climate Change
A recent UPI wire story, which highlights Opportunity International’s weather-index crop insurance, hails microinsurance as an exciting new tool to help communities in the developing world face the worst impacts of climate change. The article, “Insuring the world’s poor against climate change,” quotes the UN University Institute for Environment and Human Security‘s Koko Warner as saying, “Because of things like location, education and life expectancy, the world’s poor are a lot more vulnerable to climate change.”
Weather-index crop insurance protects farmers from the financial risks associated with extreme weather such as drought, flood and typhoon–“events that stand to become more frequent as the climate changes.” A grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is enabling Opportunity to pilot and expand the crop insurance program to several countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
Watch the video, “The True Impact of Crop Insurance,” to discover how smallholder farmers in Malawi (with less than two acres) are protecting their crops from drought–and their families from starvation.
Read our latest Impact newsletter (page 4) for more about one of the world’s leading experts on weather-index crop insurance, Shadreck Mapfumo, who also serves as Opportunity’s vice president of agriculture.