Providing Financial Services to Women Creates a Better World
Opportunity has long known what U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated in a video message to the “Women for a Better World” conference in Spain on Saturday—that empowering women is the key to global progress and prosperity.
While Opportunity serves all people regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or gender, we place a special emphasis on providing financial services to women since they represent 70 percent of the world’s poor and have the fewest opportunities. Traditionally, 85 percent of our clients have been women. In India, 100 percent of our clients are women.
The mission of our Women’s Opportunity Network (WON) of women supporters and staff is to invest in the lives of women around the world, giving them access to financial services and training that transform their lives, their children’s lives and their communities. WON is committed to unleashing the potential of women around the world to make a difference—as leaders, clients, donors, supporters and mentors. Stay tuned on how you can be part of WON’s celebration of mother’s around the world leading up to Mother’s Day on May 9.
To learn more about Secretary Clinton’s remarks at the conference, visit
If you want to hear more from strong women leaders – join us on the ONE call tonight with Melanne Verveer and Melinda Gates.