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Opportunity LiveBlog: A Testimony of Transformation

By Sonja Egeland Kelly

Opportunity governor Kathy Drake recently came home from an Insight Trip to India. The trip was composed of a group of Opportunity International supporters,  determined to enter into community with the Indian women that Opportunity serves.

Tonight she told the story of the first Trust Group meeting she attended while in India.

“The members had brought a half dozen white molded plastic chairs (probably gathered from an assortment of neighbors) for us to sit on. I think it was Michele who was the first to set the chair aside and plop down on the dirty cement next to a young mother and her child. We all followed suit. After some consternation and attempt to coax us back into our chairs, our hosts finally realized that we were unmovable! Our message was significant: we were visitors, yes, but we were nevertheless a part of them. We were with them, not above them.”

Kathy shared that the experience in India was both touching and transforming for her personally. When she went out of her comfort zone, she was met with a deep sense of community with women who had initially seemed so different than her.

Kathy’s own story is a reflection of the global community that we are all a part of.

To learn more about attending an Insight Trip, visit

Have you ever had an experience like Kathy’s where you stepped out of your comfort zone? What is your story?

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