What We’re Reading: The ONE Blog– “Africa’s Future is Female”
Every Wednesday on this blog, we’ll be highlighting an article, book or a blog in our “What We’re Reading” series. We’ll feature pieces or works that we think are noteworthy, inspiring, educational and relevant to the work we do at Opportunity. We welcome your comments in the comment field below–tell us what you’re reading, or respond to the article that we’ve highlighted.
This week we love the ONE Campaign‘s blog post, “Africa’s Future is Female,” highlighting their latest report about the crucial role women can play in eradicating poverty in Africa. The report also profiles African women who are leaders in their communities, ”from a Tanzanian sweet potato farmer to the director general of Nigeria’s Securities and Exchange Commission.”
As we at http://www.opportunity.org/Opportunity[/intlink] know, and see every day among our clients, when women are economically empowered, they in turn support children, extended family and communities with their incomes. Donating to http://www.opportunity.org/womens-opportunity-network/women[/intlink] donates to a community. Still, 70% of the world’s women live in poverty. ONE is particularly interested in this subject, as are we, because they will be covering the important U.N. MDG Summit happening in New York City next week, in which goal 3–empower women and promote gender equality–will be one of the MDG’s discussed.
As ONE says, “it’s time to step up our investments in Africa’s women and girls.” We agree. This is why Opportunity devotes almost 85% of our donor dollars into women clients and entrepreneurs worldwide.
Check out the ONE blog and their new report. To learn more about how and why Opportunity invests so much of its resources into women, and to hear stories and reflections from Alice Gasatura, director of credit support at Opportunity Rwanda, join us at ourhttp://www.opportunity.org/opportunity-international-conference/Fall Microfinance Conference[/intlink] in Washington, D.C., October 8-9. For a list of our breakout sessions,http://www.opportunity.org/opportunity-international-conference/breakout-sessions/click here[/intlink], and register here[/intlink] to attend the conference . Check back in tohttp://www.opportunity.org/blog/our blog[/intlink] every Wednesday for our “What We’re Reading” series.