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A Virtual Walk Alongside the Women’s Insight Trip to Uganda

By Susan Gillette

Women’s Opportunity Network (WON) member Susan Gillette shares her excitement about the upcoming “Mothers, Daughters and Sisters” Insight Trip to Uganda, offering a unique, virtual way for everyone to join in.

I had hoped to go on the Uganda Women’s Insight Trip with my daughters, Maggie and Lindsay, but they couldn’t get away from work. But the good news is that we are going to be walking alongside the women on this trip “virtually.” We’ll be able to keep up with the trip through Facebook and the Opportunity International blog. We’re even raising money for our virtual “walk” by offering several different fundraisers on!

Through social media, we’ll be asking our friends to help expand access to microfinance and education for the women and girls of Uganda by supporting our walk and making donations to one of our Uganda women’s fundraiser pages on OptINnow. We’ve jumped in the deep end and pledged to raise $5,000. Every donation of $200 can supply a first loan for a woman in Uganda–providing income that she will spend on the nutrition, health and education of her children. Or a $200 donation is enough to support a school fee loan for a family to send their children to school and build a better future for themselves. A $5,000 donation would be enough to fund an entire Trust Group, providing up to 25 women with loans and training that would enable them to build businesses and work their way out of poverty.

Recently, we got even more exciting news. A generous board member has offered to match the money the virtual walkers raise up to $25,000. So through the generous donations of all of you “armchair travelers,” we can raise up to $50,000 for microfinance services in Uganda. Just let your fingers do the walking on your computer.

Visit for more information about how you can support the Uganda Walk, including a list of our OptINnow fundraisers.

Women's Opportunity Network (WON) LogoTwo years ago, I visited Ghana on an Opportunity Insight Trip and I know what a unique and wonderful experience it is to see microfinance work in person. I cannot wait to see the pictures and hear the stories from this intergenerational women’s trip to Uganda.

If you’re interested in supporting WON’s work in Uganda, please visit our Walk for Uganda page to learn more about how you can get involved. And remember that all your donations to our Uganda fundraising pages will be matched up to $25,000. You may also start your own Uganda Walk fundraiser page by clicking on If you were just thinking, “I wish there was something I could do to change the world for women and their families”–hey, this is your Opportunity!

Throughout this week-long Insight Trip, continue to visit the blog for a series of posts and reports about the experiences of the mothers, daughters and sisters visiting Uganda.

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