She Can Change the World
Your support this holiday season will help provide the tools and resources so a girl can get a quality education and unlock her potential to be a transformHER.
Why Support a Girl's Education
More than 50% of children in low- and middle-income countries cannot read by age 10—and 250 million children are not in school at all. When a girl stays in school, everything changes. She’ll earn more, live longer, and her children will be healthier and better educated, too. By educating a girl, you are helping to break the cycle of poverty—for good.
Why Education Finance
35% of children in low-income countries do not complete primary school.
World Bank
617 million children worldwide remained either out of school or in school and not learning
World Bank
Access to good education reduces poverty and gives women and girls more decision-making power
World Bank
Sustainable Solutions to End Extreme Poverty
We don’t build schools, we help educators improve them.
Financial Services for Educators Your gift supports schools with loans for expansion, security, transportation, and facilities, creating space for more students and making their experience at school safer.
Training & Support Your gift funds ongoing training for teachers, connects them with peers, and offers priceless digital tools that help them build high-quality curriculums and give students the best educational experience they can.
Financial Services for Parents Your gift helps parents pay for tuitions, materials, and uniforms so that their children can go to school and stay there without having to drop out when money gets tight.