Help a mother in poverty start a business that will transform her future.

Join The Rise, our monthly giving community, and you can support one Malawian mother through Opportunity International’s two year business training program, which will give her the skills she needs to start and manage her own business.

You can help her rise to a better future for herself and her children right now for just $35 per month.

"I never imagined I would be where I am today.”
– Alinafe, program participant

Help a mother in poverty start a business that will transform her future.

Join The Rise, our monthly giving community, and you can support one Malawian mother through Opportunity International’s two year business training program, which will give her the skills she needs to start and manage her own business.

You can help her rise to a better future for herself and her children right now for just $35 per month.

"I never imagined I would be where I am today.”
– Alinafe, program participant

Did you know?

Your support can change these statistics and provide an opportunity for women in Malawi to create lasting, sustainable change.

Your monthly gift provides:

This is how we break down barriers to success and create a long-term path out of poverty. And the best part is we’re doing it together.

Are you ready to help her rise?

Your tax-deductible monthly or one-time gift makes a life-changing difference.

Learn more about how The Rise program works.

For women like Cecelia

For women like Cecelia

For women like Cecelia

For women like Cecelia

When Cecelia was a young girl, she had big dreams for her future. She wanted to build a family, put food on the table, and break the cycle of poverty. She wanted to give her kids opportunities that she didn’t have.

Then, when Cecelia was only a teenager, she had a baby. She was forced to drop out of primary school and stay home with her child. Her big dreams were impossibly out of reach.

Cecelia needed help, and she found it with Opportunity International’s business training program. She shared her bold hopes for her family—things like a cement floor, an iron roof, and three meals a day—and she learned how she could receive the training and assistance she needed to start and manage her own business.

It was a path out of poverty—and it’s powered by people like YOU. When you support The Rise, you give women like Cecelia the opportunity to transform their futures. You give her essentials like a food stipend, financial training, business skills, and a head start with livestock that will help her earn an income. You help put her dreams within reach.

Because of people like you, Cecelia now raises goats and makes bricks. She sells dried fish and produce, too. And she’s working to improve her home, her daily life, and her children’s futures.

Join The Rise today, and your first monthly gift will be doubled

Become a Changemaker

She can rise to her potential, rise to challenges, and rise against poverty…with you by her side.

When you help her rise, you support long-term solutions that impact not only her future but also the future for her children and her community. That’s the ripple effect you will start with your monthly partnership.

Tell me more…

How will I know if my support is making a difference?

As a member of The Rise, you’ll receive regular stories and updates of women like Cecelia who are enrolled in the program. You can follow their journey out of poverty – and know you are walking alongside a mother, a sister, a daughter into a better future for herself and community.

What does success look like for Malawian women in poverty?

Together, we’re empowering women to achieve financial independence with at least two sustainable sources of income. Success also means at least one hot meal a day, a secure home with a roof, children clothed and attending school, and newfound confidence and safe connections in their communities. On top of that, success equals a personalized plan for her future. And yes, all of this is possible through your monthly support!

How long does The Rise program last?

Women are in the program for two years. They begin by receiving money for food to ease their most immediate needs of feeding their families, so they can focus on their business training. They choose two businesses and receive assets and materials to get them started. From there, they form a savings group and begin training to become financially savvy. See how it works.

Am I expected to commit to two years of support?

No, you’re not required to give for a certain amount of time. Your tax-deductible support is on your timeline. You can choose to pause or cancel your monthly gift at any time. However, new groups of women are being added as we receive more funding, so you’re encouraged to give monthly for as long as you’re able to create lasting, sustainable change.

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